Because Together We Can

beat the effects of ptsd



— You Count

We believe in you; we are here to help you overcome your struggles.  You count and that is what matters. Together with our community we can all help each other overcome our battles with PTSD.


— 24/7

Wherever you are in the world, no matter what time of day this platform will always be there for you to chat, connect with others and help each other overcome one’s problems


— Strength

With each other’s help, building a global community we can build strength and unity. Together we can save lives and build lasting friendships. The journey of recovery starts here.


— Education

Together and united this platform can educate others about PTSD and its lasting effects. More importantly, it will help everyone notice the early signs of PTSD and stop it before it worsens.


Sign up in 3 easy steps


— Register

Registration is very easy.  Click the button below and enter your details.


— Activate

Once  registered, you will receive an email with your activation code. 


— Login

Once activated, just login and start to create your profile and find others.

Time to change

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control the way you think about all the events. You always have a choice. You can choose to face them with a positive mental attitude.

You may think its impossible to overcome PTSD, but with it is possible. Our platform is designed for all those suffering the effects of the past to connect, chat and help each other overcome our indiviual problems. 

Wherever you are in the world, no matter what time it is there will always be someone availble to chat with, you’re NOT ALONE any more.

